Saturday, May 26, 2012

I just learned that the market we walked through this morning is called the "spice market." I enjoyed this little tidbit shared by our guide, John: There is a lot of ginseng for sale at this street market for making gingseng tea. The gingseng preferred by the Chinese people comes from Wisconsin! They believe Wisconsin's ginseng is the highest quality ginseng they can buy. Who knew?

We were greeted by the following notice on our desk in our hotel room in Guangzhou:



"Chinese law regulates that any foreigner aged 16 and over who wishes to stay in China must always have his/her passport or Chinese residence permit ready for police check. Failure to comply with this requirement will lead to a fine from RMB50 to RMB500. Serious offenders will be expelled within a specified period."

Our guide said to take this seriously, as the police have been stopping people and making them pay this fine. I never leave the hotel without our passports anyway; however, John has taken Ava's passport and will keep it until he has obtained her VIsa, for which I completed paperwork today with his help.

The beautiful trees that look like they have "twisted" trunks are banyan trees, per our guide. I will try to snap a picture of one tomorrow and post it.

There are three puppies living on a rooftop below us. They are on top of a three story flat-roofed building. It appears there is also a cage with possibly a bird living in it. So far, we have not seen anyone come up to the rooftop, but it seems a strange place for animals to live.

Ava has brought some of the hot red pepper seasoning from her province with her. The girls bought soup noodles at the 7-11 and ate them for supper in the hotel room, as Ava did not want to go out. She sprinkled this liberally into her soup. I know she is missing her three times weekly hotpot already! I looked up Sichuan cooking on Amazon's website, and see there are one or two books with Sichuan recipes. The difficulty usually lies with finding all the ingredients, but we will have to try, so this poor girl won't have to forego her hot, spicy foods forever!!


1 comment:

  1. You are staying on the same side of the Victory that we stayed on. We had the same view of the dogs and the 7-11 below. We loved Lucy's and the Cow and Bridge. Yummy food :)
