Monday, April 23, 2012

We have Travel Approval!

I received a phone call today from Mary Zoet of Adoption Associates.  I was expecting information from Adoption Associates regarding some questions I had asked about Tu Ying Chuan, so it never occurred to me when Mary said "Guess what I have!" that she had anything other than the answers to my questions.  Our Article 5 went to the CCCWA on April 9th, so it has been EXACTLY two weeks!!  To date, everything has dragged along so slowly that I expected travel approval would take the full four weeks they told me it could . . .  I was so taken aback I couldn't think straight when she was trying to get me to name five dates the American Consulate could schedule our Visa appointment.  I could have chosen to go as soon as May 10th - two weeks away!! - but decided to ask for May 17th, so Aleah would be closer to the end of school (May 23rd).  (The next date was in June.)  I quickly fired off an e-mail to her principal to ask how this will affect Aleah's grades this semester and to announce that Ava Grace will be starting school in the Fall - although in what grade, I do not yet know.  Tomorrow is a conference call to go over travel arrangements.  I still can't believe it!!  This long segment of our "Journey to Grace" is nearing a close.  A whole new chapter is about to begin . . .

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Journey to Grace

Welcome to the Squires family adoption blogspot!!  We received our Letter of Acceptance on February 20, 2012, to adopt a 13-year-old girl, Tu Ying Chuan, from the Chengdu Children's Welfare Institute in Sichuan Province, China.  We are waiting for Travel Approval currently, which should take between 2-4 weeks, and then we will await an American embassy appointment, which could take up to two weeks.  Then - WE TRAVEL!!  We hope you enjoy following along as we embark on this wonderful, maddening, TERRIFYING journey, as we ask for God's grace and step out in faith to make this young girl a part of our family!